The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Branding Collaborations

Brand collaborations are a fascinating aspect of branding & marketing strategies. They can be unexpected, delightful, cringeworthy, or downright absurd. 

When done right, they generate buzz, expand audience reach, and create memorable consumer experiences. 

However, they can also miss the mark… and feel disingenuous. 

The Good: Absolut and Heinz Vodka Pasta Sauce

Sometimes, the most random collaborations turn out to be the smartest. Case in point: Absolut and Heinz teaming up for a vodka pasta sauce. 

The origin of this collaboration is as interesting as the product itself. A couple of years ago, supermodel Gigi Hadid shared her vodka pasta recipe online. 

The recipe quickly gained traction, becoming a trendy dish among her followers and food enthusiasts alike.

Seeing the popularity of this recipe, Absolut, known for its vodka, and Heinz, a household name in condiments, saw an opportunity. 

They leaned into each other’s iconic branding to create a product that felt genuine and innovative. 

The result was a vodka pasta sauce that resonated with both brands' audiences.

To amplify their collaboration, Absolut and Heinz sent product boxes to a variety of content creators who tried the new sauce and shared their experiences online. 

This strategy paid off, as the collaboration went viral, generating significant buzz and consumer interest. 

This partnership exemplifies what good brand collaborations are all about: authenticity, creativity, and effective execution.

The Bad: Balenciaga and The Simpsons

In 2021, the luxury fashion house Balenciaga teamed up with the beloved animated series The Simpsons. 

On paper, this might have seemed like a quirky and fun collaboration. 

However, the execution left much to be desired, making it one of the most cringeworthy crossovers in recent memory.

The collaboration consisted mainly of basic Balenciaga materials with screen-printed imagery of The Simpsons characters. 

It lacked creativity and felt like a missed opportunity from a brand alignment perspective. 

The partnership didn’t resonate with either Balenciaga’s high-fashion audience or The Simpsons’ fanbase. 

Instead of creating a unique fusion of the two brands, it came off as a lazy attempt to cash in on nostalgia.

Fortunately for Simpsons fans, another collaboration later that year provided a much-needed redemption.

Streetwear brand KITH teamed up with The Simpsons and demonstrated how such a partnership should be done. 

KITH not only incorporated The Simpsons into their designs more thoughtfully but also partnered with a New York donut chain to develop a limited-edition, real-life version of the iconic snack from the show. 

This collaboration was well-received, showing that with the right approach, even unlikely brand pairings can succeed.

The Ugly: Crocs and Hidden Valley Ranch

In the realm of brand collaborations, some partnerships are so bizarre that they become instantly iconic. 

This was the case when Crocs teamed up with Hidden Valley Ranch to create a version of their famous clog featuring a ranch-inspired design. 

The result was ugly, undeniably quirky, and a massive success.

The final product was a pair of Crocs clogs decorated with a white and green ranch dressing motif, complete with Jibbitz charms representing various foods typically enjoyed with ranch dressing. 

This collaboration was quintessentially Crocs: bold, daring, and a little wild. It perfectly aligned with Crocs’ brand identity of embracing the unconventional and turning it into a fashion statement.

Fans of both Crocs and Hidden Valley Ranch found something to enjoy in this quirky product. 

The sheer absurdity of the collaboration captured public attention, making it one of the most talked-about brand partnerships of all time. 

It showcased that sometimes, leaning into the unexpected can result in a memorable and commercially successful product.


Brand collaborations are a dynamic and impactful marketing strategy. They can breathe new life into products, attract new audiences, and create memorable consumer experiences. 

However, the success of these collaborations hinges on their authenticity, creativity, and execution. 

The partnership between Absolut and Heinz exemplifies how aligning with a trend and leveraging each brand’s strengths can result in a successful product. 

On the other hand, the Balenciaga and The Simpsons collaboration serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of creativity and brand alignment. 

Meanwhile, the Crocs and Hidden Valley Ranch partnership shows that embracing absurdity can sometimes lead to iconic results.

In the ever-evolving landscape of branding, collaborations will continue to be a powerful tool. Whether they turn out to be good, bad, or ugly, they all contribute to the rich tapestry of marketing innovation.


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